
Functionality is paramount to our design philosophy at Shugarman Architecture + Design, regardless of discipline, budget, or project scope.

And by Functionality – we mean that a building must meet its objectives as defined by the end user, it must intuitively function. It must be desirable. It is that desirability which creates its intrinsic value.

Put a different way, if it doesn’t work for you and the user, then it doesn’t work for us. So after understanding our clients’ interests and earning their trust, our process moves on to a rigorous visioning and precedent studies to ensure we are sharing the same goals. We look at the site, and find the best solution for both needs of the client and the surrounding site environment.

Heritage 6

Interior Design

With the same principles that guide our architecture, we create interiors with the intent to satisfy all aesthetic and physical needs particular to each client and project.

With that end in mind, we craft bespoke environments for our clients, with the ultimate goal to create an interior that invites you in and prompts you to return.

Although we believe in precedent and rely on experience, we do not believe in cookie cutter solutions. They fail to inspire and hence fail to connect with the user;  in this regard only a well executed and thoughtful interior can maximize value and utility for our clients.

By combining materials, furniture, form, and space, we aim to strike an aesthetic that encapsulates a delicate balance of inclusivity with a sense of privilege.


Owner Representation

Shugarman Architecture is able to work with owners to establish a clear design vision. That vision needs to derive from both the owners sensibilities and mandate, as well as form the presumed users or consumers of space and place. Once articulated, on behalf of the owner we work to protect and maintain that vision throughout the design and construction cycles.

Practically, we select additional consultants and remain at the table to coordinate cohesive design on any commercial project. To whatever extent requested by the developer, we can report on progress and request their involvement and decision making as needed.  We provide an exhaustive background of knowledge to give owners a confident voice in making decisions, especially ones where decisions of aesthetics and quality conflict with budget, timing, and process parameters. We inspire others and work collaboratively, yet we aren’t daunted by pushing forward and applying pressure when it is needed in order to keep projects on track and accountable. We provide a strong foundation of responsibility for defining and maintaining the overall form, material and quality throughout a project’s entire life cycle.


Master Planning & Urban Design

Given our experience over ten years in crafting the master plan for the Edmonton Ice District, we have gained tremendous knowledge and understanding of the relationships between buildings, programs, the public realm, development and government processes.

We understand that to embark upon a master plan, one needs to establish a shared vision. We work with the developer to guide a multidisciplinary team to shape that vision.

And we make sure that embedded in that vision we articulate an inspiring end game, strong enough to inform all future decisions over many years of project roll-out. But more importantly we understand that a master plan framework needs to  allow for phased development that permits adaptation  as market circumstances dictate over the life of the build out. In short – we make sure the core vision and objectives are articulated clearly and convincingly, while intentionally designing room for adaptability and innovation over time.



At the opposite end of the scale spectrum, furniture provides an opportunity to resolve very specific small scale custom solutions that complete the customer experience.

We recognize that not every need requires a custom solution. But throughout our design process we  remind ourselves and our clients that one does not be limited to pre-manufactured objects.

So after the effort of customizing a building and then an interior, with the express purpose of maximizing value to the user, you don’t have to rely on standard furnishings that often diminish that enjoyment and value.

We believe it is in what a consumer and homeowner touch , sit on, eat at, and sleep in, that the relationship between a person and truly good design can become fully realized.


Render Visualization

Shugarman Architecture offers first class Architectural rendering visualization to developers, marketing agencies, and other design consultants alike.

Using state of the art technology and talented in-house artists, we are able to confidently represent a vision of our design.

With a quick turnaround time, we use visualization as a tool for exploration  in our process and communication to solidify our concepts with our clients.