Blatchford Masterplan

Project Overview

Working with the Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA), we crafted a concept Master Plan for developing 7 acres of land to create a central community where citizens can reconnect with their Métis heritage, culture, and language, known as Blatchford.

 It encompasses affordable, sustainable housing, and various cultural facilities for recreation, and tourism, while also serving as a focal point for fostering dialogue and understanding of Métis culture within the broader community.

The planning drew inspiration from the site’s historic ties to the Métis river lot system, featuring linear pedestrian lanes and trails that diverge away from a typical Eurocentric Road network. Designed to promote walkability, the plan encourages pedestrians to explore the site through trails, pathways, and amenities like pocket parks, shops, and restaurants.

Our team developed the master plan based on Métis principles by listening to the Nation, Elders, and youth on what is important to them. We recorded over 60 hours of meeting time for us to learn and carefully include what The Nation felt important to share. This included the Sash, historic Métis road alignments, the infinity symbols, natural material, vibrant colours, and bringing in the Michif Language. The final result is a complex urban design project that delivers a unique sense of space for the community.

Edmonton, Alberta
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Associate, Intern Architect
Joel Piecowye
Principal Architect
Michael Shugarman
Architecture Visualization
Michael Ferster